About me

Hello and welcome to my website!

I’ve been dealing with the topic of Islamism since 2006, and I’ve been doing it professionally for almost ten years now. My area of ​​work is structural analyzes of Islamist networks as well as conveying the informations and knowledge gained in public lectures, internal training courses and advanced workshops or the preparation of expert reports.

The purpose of this website is to make parts of my research freely accessible to the public. The contributions on this page can be quoted  according to quotation rights with the source being mentioned. If you want to use longer quotations, please contact me. The take-over of full texts is only possible for a fee.

It is in the nature of things that not everyone likes my work. And some even go so far as to deliberately misrepresent it. So here are some – unfortunately – necessary clarifications: My topic is not Islam, I am neither concerned with religion nor with criticism of religion. If you are looking for such things, you might be better off elsewhere. My work is clearly focused on Islamism, i.e. in the broadest sense on extremism, which cannot be reconciled with our free-democratic basic order. Which should actually mean that I do not need any Islamic studies training for my work, as opponents sometimes demand. This kind of studies normally does not convey any knowledge of recent Islamist structures. But I learned scientific methodology as part of a natural science degree. Primarily I apply methods of journalists or jurists. On the „Methodical“ page, I show where I get a large part of my information and how I use and process it.

My work is also not of a political nature. I am not active for a party or for other political organizations. Everyone knows that I have been a long time (and will remain) a member of the SPD. However, I haven’t been active there several years. The reason is simple: Anyone who deals with extremism must be strictly neutral in terms of party politics! This also prohibits any partisanship for a political direction, regardless of which one. But this also means that I am available to all parties and other organizations as a professional on Islamism, as long as they themselves move within the framework of the free-democratic basic order, that is, are not themselves the subject of the work of the protection of the constitution.

What else is important? I grew up in Hessen, where I was active for a long time. For example I organized for years a public information and street action against Salafism in Frankfurt am Main. I have been living and working in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2019. Hobbies: Plants. Tropical plants. More tropical plants. Botanical gardens and systematics.

Last but not least: My work is dangerous in several ways. I am happy about not only ideal support. Although I make a lot of content available to the general public free of charge and report processes to authorities, my work naturally also has to be financed. If you find this content useful or if you like my work, you can donate here:

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